

About Our Animals

Most of our animals have been surrendered to us for various reasons. While we do our best to help with common exotic pets in need of rehoming there are other rescues in place to help them. Our focus is helping animals from across Canada that require sanctuary when they have no where else to go. We’re located outside Winnipeg, Manitoba in Central Canada, in a municipality that allows us to keep these amazing animals and because we have the experience, knowledge, facility and network we’re able to help animals from coast to coast. In many cases the animal is permitted or being kept illegally, if a permitted zoo/facility can’t take it and it doesn’t leave the province in many cases it will be euthanized making us the last chance for these animals! Littlefoot our American Alligator used to travel North America then ended up outside Saskatoon before coming to us, Bonehead the Spectacled Caiman came from Toronto as did Todd the Tegu and Monster the Gila Monster. We had Popcorn the Burmese Python come from Vancouver, a Yellow Anaconda & Umbrella Cockatoo from Prince Edward Island, Norma the Red Foot Tortoise from Regina and many more from all over.

Meet Our Animals & Special Ambassadors

We have various animals under our care including:

Lizards like Geckos, Skinks, Dragons, Iguanas, Monitors & Tegus
Snakes like Boas, Pythons & Colubrids
Amphibians like Frogs, Toads, Newts & Salamanders
Turtles & Tortoises
Invertebrates like Tarantulas, Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes and Insects
Fish, there’s 15 tanks…..
Parrots like Cockatoos & Love Birds
Mammals like Hedgehogs, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits
Farm Animal details can be found at Rocky Forest Ranch

Some of our Special Ambassadors are Popcorn the Giant Burmese Python, Bonehead the Spectacled Caiman, Todd the Argentine Tegu, Monster the Gila Monster, Chloe the Cockatoo & Littlefoot the American Alligator.

Available Animals

Animals that we have available For Sale are typically animals we’ve produced or received from other breeders. Animals that are up for Adoption are surrendered/rescued.

For Sale Animals
Animals For Adoptions

Gecko Rental Program

Our Gecko Rental Program was originally designed for schools & daycares to have a class pet that was both easy to care for but they could return if needed. Parents like the idea so it’s also become Rent to Own for some kids, knowing if it doesn’t work out they can return it. We chose Crested Geckos for our program because they are very low maintenance, affordable, easy to care for and handle. Not requiring heat, light or bugs also makes them an ideal candidate as a best first reptile pet.

We Supply:
Crested Gecko
Enclosure/Supplies (12”x12”x18” Exo Terra front opening terrarium with fake plants/vines/ledges and substrate)
Presentation on care
Continued care support

$100 first month + $20/month after
Purchase price $400 minus amount paid.
No minimum rental, rental fee ends at $400, can cancel/return at any time.
Can not be sold and must be returned.

Care Links: